New England Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture has announced that it will award the CT Tree Protective Association the NEC ISA’s Gold Leaf Award for 2018. The Award will be presented at NEC ISA’s Annual Conference and Trade Show, to take place in Mystic, CT November 4-6.
The Gold Leaf Award is to recognize the significant contribution made by CTPA in creating the Healing Garden at the Veterans Home in Rocky Hill. This large and dedicated effort, led by CTPA President Bud Neal along with Sandy Ingellis and many others, produced a small but impactful area of beauty and solace for the veterans who use the Healthcare Facility at the Veterans Home. Through Bud’s leadership, 5 trees were donated and planted, 5 benches placed along a 300 foot walkway, all also donated, and a fence installed around a central lawn and flagpole. Under Sandy’s guidance, 4 individual gardens were planted, to give the veterans a place to sit and perhaps enjoy a few minutes of calm rest. The Award will be presented during the Monday luncheon.
The NEC ISA Conference itself promises to be excellent. John Ball of South Dakota State University will give the keynote address at the luncheon, entitled “You Can Take the Tree Out of the Forest, But Not the Forest Out of the Tree”. Elsewhere on the program, he will be speaking on the new ANSI Z-133 standard and on dealing with current and potential pests. Other speakers include Dennis Ryan, Rich Cowles and Bob Marra, the latter two both researchers at the CT Agricultural Experiment Station.
Registration for the Conference is now underway, with the final day for early bird registration being October 12th.

The Healing Garden, prior to the dedication. Bud and Rita, working on the wall.