All of Connecticut is now under the larger federal quarantine for EAB.
On December 5, 2014, the Director of the CT Agricultural Experiment Station rescinded the quarantine that had been placed on the four western counties in Connecticut and, in its place, put the entire state under the larger, federal quarantine. This federal quarantine regulates the movement of ask trees and ash wood in an area extending from Missouri and Iowa all the way to New England. The federal quarantine allows the unrestricted movement of regulated articles within this vast stretch of continuous quarantine areas, with some exceptions. Rhode Island is not included in this federal quarantine area because EAB has yet to found in that state.
One exception relates to the movement of hardwood firewood into Connecticut. The provisions of section 22-84-5e of the state regulations still restricts the movement of hardwood firewood into the state that originates from an area quarantined for EAB. In addition, the requirement still exists that the transporter of any firewood within Connecticut be able to document the geographic source of that firewood.
The other major exception has to do with ash that originates from an area quarantined for the Asian longhorned beetle. Ash is a known host for ALB, so the full set of restrictions on wood movement from these areas remains in effect.
For further details, visit the EAB pages on the CT DEEP and CAES websites.