Stormwise II: Preparing for the Storm – A Live Demo at Field Forest
Join CFPA, UConn Extension and CAES for an active, information and fun workshop on management activities to foster storm resilient roadside forests. As a follow-up to our (rainy!) fall 2016 Stormwise workshop, this session will reinforce the principles associated with Stormwise management and demonstrate some of the techniques being applied in roadside forest management logitics.
• Step-by-step demonstration of directional felling techniques for product recovery • Tree lean analysis, geometry, and compensating techniques • Log-making 101: optimizing market value potential • Standing tree volume estimation and log scaling • Demonstrations of various small scale wood-moving tools and equipment • Safety and more safety!
*CEUs offered. Cost: $10 CFPA members; $15 non-members
Date: May 23, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Who: Foresters, Arborists, Tree Wardens
Where: Field Forest in Durham, CT. Parking: Bear Rock Rd. in Durham
Questions? Email Emma:
Registration required. Register at