The 35 competitors, along with the judges, timers, scorers, donors, volunteers and family get ready for the 16th annual CT Tree Climbing Competition.
The 2020 Connecticut Tree Climbing Competition
has been canceled. See you next year!!!!
Each year, 25-30 climbers, men and women, participate in a competition that showcases the skill, safety, insight and knowledge that is all a part of climbing trees professionally. The event also showcases the camaraderie, spirit and overall sense of fun that is also a part of this unique group of skilled individuals.
The Five Qualifying Events in the CT Tree Climbing Competition are:
- The Ascent Event – This is a new event and is replacing the footlock.
- Throw Line Accuracy – a timed event in which the competitor sets three different lines in specified parts of a tree.
- Belayed Speed Climb – a timed ‘free-climb’ (climber is belayed) 40′ to 60′ up a selected tree.
- Work Climb – five work stations are set within a given tree and competitors are scored as they move through the tree completing assigned tasks.
- Aerial Rescue – climbers are timed as they ‘rescue’ a dummy set in a tree.