The Summer Meeting took place last week and it was a huge success! We saw approximately 670 people and a handful of kids at the day’s events. Dr. Neil Hendrickson’s talk on Storm Damaged Trees received great reviews as did the Tick Talks by Dr. Kirby Stafford III and Dr. Scott Williams from the CT Agricultural Experiment Station, the Pre-Flight Bucket Truck Inspections by Matt Anderson and Ben Sewell from Altec Industries, and the Soil Decompaction Using an Airspade by Michael Almstead and Dan Dalton from Almstead Tree and Shrub Care. We thank all the speakers for their time and energy to come and speak at the meeting.
The weather was beautiful and it made for an easier time of being outdoors to visit the numerous exhibitors both in the tent and in the field. And as always, the copious amounts of food didn’t disappoint.
Lastly, an enormous thank all the exhibitors that donated to the Oscar P. Stone Research Trust Fund by giving so generously with items and gift cards.