CTPA announces the start of a media campaign to develop public awareness of the value of the arborist license. Within the State of Connecticut, an arborist license is required of all those who advertise, solicit or contract to do arboriculture. The intent of the campaign is to do more than highlight this legal requirement, however. The campaign will also seek to emphasize the value to tree owners of working with a licensed arborist, for all of the knowledge, expertise and skill that a Connecticut licensed arborist brings. As CTPA says in its campaign, “a healthy tree is no accident”.
In this campaign, CTPA is working with CEL, a Minnesota based public relations firm well known for such tree-related public awareness campaigns as “Trees Pay Us Back” and “Kentucky Roots“. Outreach will include developing recognition for the brand chosen for this campaign “Go the Top: Hire a Connecticut Licensed Arborist”. It will also include the development of materials that underscore why Connecticut licensed arborists provide so much value, including protecting the homeowner’s investment in their trees and contributing to public safety and and the providing of environmental benefits.
This campaign is only in its initial stages. There is still much more work to do. CTPA members will be asked to participate in the support of this campaign as it moves forward.
Members interested in learning more are invited to contact the CTPA office.