CTPA Resources
- CTPA Code of Safety
- Temporary Traffic Control for Tree Care Operations - March 2009
- CTPA Accident Profile and Discussion – April 2006
- CTPA Accident Profile and Discussion – October 2005
OSHA Resources
Sources of Information About Safety in Tree Care
The following safety resources were assembled by the ANSI Z133.1 Safety Committee, and included in the 2000 Standard as Annex D. CTPA members are encouraged to make use of these resources to further improve their own safety practices.
Applicable American National Standards
(many of these standards are available through either ISA or TCIA)
- Z133.1 Arboricultural operations, Safety
- A300 Standard practices fro trees, shrubs and other woody plant maintenance
- A10.14 Requirements for safety belts, harnesses, lifelines and drop lines for construction and industrial use
- A14.1 Ladders portable wood Safety requirements
- A14.2 Ladders portable metal Safety requirements
- A14.5 Stepladder and Platform ladders, Aluminum magnesium, Fiberglass Ladders
- A92.2 Vehicle-mounted elevating and rotating aerial devices
- Z359.1 Safety requirements for personal fall arrest systems, subsystems and components
- B175.1 Gasoline-powered chain saws, Safety requirements
- Z87.1 Practice for occupational and educational eye and face protection
- Z89.1 Personnel protection Protective headgear for industrial workers Requirements
Applicable Federal Regulations
US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- 29 CFR 1910.000 General Industry
- 29 CFR 1910.67 Vehicle mounted elevating and rotating work platforms
- 29 CFR 1910.95 Occupational noise exposure
- 29 CFR 1910.132-136 Personal protective equipment
- 29 CFR 1910.151 Medical services and first aid
- 29 CFR 1910.268 Telecommunications
- 29 CFR 1910.269 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
- 29 CFR 1910.331-335 Safety electric work related practices
- 29 CFR 1910.1200 Hazard communication
- 49 CFR Transportation
Training Programs Available from the Tree Care Industry Association
Video Programs
- Electrical Hazards and Trees
- Aerial Rescue
- Rigging for Remova
- lBasic Training for Tree Climbers
- Principles of Pruning
- Pruning Standards
- Chipper Use and SafetyBack Injury Prevention Program
- Chain Saw Selection and SafetyRopes, Knots and Climbing
- Basic Training for Ground Operations in Tree Care
- Basic Training for Tree Climbers
Written Programs
- Home Study Program in Arboriculture, Series I and II
- Crew Leader Home Study Program
- Tailgate Safety
- Electric Hazard Awareness Program
Other Publications
- The Tree Worker (a safety newsletter)
- Climbers Guide to Tree Hazards
- Pocket Guide: Preventing Falls
- Pocket Guide: Preventing Electrocutions
- Pocket Guide: Preventing Struck-by Accidents
- Pocket Guide: Tree Felling Guidelines
Publications Available from the International Society of Arboriculture
- ArborMaster Series I
- Introduction to Climbing Techniques and Equipment
- Introduction to Secured Footlock: Equipment and Techniques
- Introduction to Ropes: Care, Construction and Limitations
- Introduction to Belay: Equipment and Techniques
- Introduction to Throwline: Equipment and Techniques
- Climbing Knots and Hitches
- ArborMaster Series II
- Innovations in Climbing Equipment
- Rigging Knots, Rope Slings and Eye Splices
- ArborMaster Series III
- Chain Saw Safety
- Chain Saw Maintenance
- Notches, Hinges and Backcuts
- Felling Techniques
- Limbing and Bucking
- Chain Saw Use in Trees
Other Videos
- Basic Training for Tree Climbers
- Basic Training for Ground Operations
- Climbing Skills Test Preparation
- Conducting a Tree Climbing Jamboree
- Utility Pruning: a Video Guide for Pruning near Utility Conductors
- Managing Trees for Public Safety: An Arborists Guide
- Tree Health Management: Evaluating Trees for Hazards
Written Programs
- Aborists Certification Study Guide
- Tree Climbers Guide
- Arborist Equipment: a Guide to the Tools and Equipment of Tree Maintenance and Removal
- A Handbook of Hazard Tree Evaluation for Utility Arborists
- Trees and Overhead Utility Wires: Proper Pruning and Selection
- A Photographic Guide to the Evaluation of Hazard Trees in the Urban Area
- Tree Pruning Guidelines
Other Publications
- Spanish-English/English-Spanish Dictionary of Arboricultural Terms
- Tree Climbers Companion (authored by Jeff Jepson)
- On Rope (published by the National Speleological Society)
Other Resources
- ACRT Line Clearance Tree Trimmer Certification Manual
- ACRT Electric Hazard Recognition for Certification Manual
- ACRT Electric Hazard Recognition for Substation Grounds Maintenance Personnel and Herbicide Applicators Certification Manual
- ACRT Working in Trees Self Study Guide
- USDA US Forest Service Job Corps Urban Forestry Student Activity Guide
- Pruning Trees near Electric Utility Lines, by Alex Shigo
- ArborMaster Training two-day modules
- MF Blair Institute of Arboriculture Custom Designed Seminars and Training (Big Pool, MD (301) 842-2544)