As a service to its members, the CTPA office will forward to CT DEEP reports on tree work that is being done by individuals who are not licensed as arborists, or who are not under the supervision of a licensed arborist. The CTPA does not make a judgment on the validity of these complaints. Its role is simply to forward the complaints on to the CT DEEP, Division of Pesticide Management. That is the entity in the state, along with the Tree Protection Examining Board, responsible for maintaining the integrity of the arborist license.
In forwarding reports to the DEEP, CTPA does not reveal the name of the individual filing the complaint unless it is specifically allowed to do so. That way, the official complainant is the CTPA, and the identity of the individual filing the complaint is protected.
Individuals who wish to file a complaint about unlicensed tree work may also contact the DEEP Division of Pesticide Management directly.
CT DEEP Pesticide Management
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: (860) 424-3369
DOWNLOAD HERE >> Report Unlicensed Tree Work