To find CTPA members, including CTPA members who are licensed arborists, use the searchable CTPA Membership Directory.
To find out more about arborists in general visit our companion website, called Go to the Top.
For a complete listing of all Connecticut licensed arborists, including those who are not CTPA members, download this pdf listing of Connecticut licensed arborists.
To find CTPA's Allied Members, please visit the Allied Member Search Page.
CTPA Membership Directory
Please be patient - this is a large directory and it may take a while to fully load.
To find a CTPA member, scroll down to the searchable directory. You can search the membership list by entering a specific name or by entering a town, zip code, phone number, etc. into the first search bar below.
To search for CTPA members who are also licensed arborists, use the dropdown menu in the second search bar below (where it says "Select Category").
David Mascoli
Arborist License #