To sponsor the CTCC, please fill out the required information in the form below.
Gold Level Sponsors ($500): Gold Level Sponsors will have their logo placed on the back of the competition t-shirts and will also have their logo and company information included in the Competition Program, to be handed out the day of the Competition.
Silver Level Sponsors ($100): Silver Level Sponsors choose a qualifying round event to sponsor. Each of the Silver Level Sponsors for a particular event will have their names placed on a “Sponsors Poster” to be displayed at registration and at that event. For additional cost, Sponsors may choose more than one event. Silver Level Sponsors will also be listed in the Competition Program.
Bronze Level Sponsors ($50): Bronze Level Sponsors will have their individual or company information included in the Competition Program, to be handed out the day of the Competition.
Please Note: If you are sponsoring at the Gold Level, you must forward either a camera-ready copy of your logo or a high-resolution electronic version of your logo no later than March 31st. After this date we will be unable to include your logo on the Competition t-shirts.