Branching Out Together!
For the first time, Connecticut’s three leading organizations in arboriculture and urban forestry
will be co-hosting a two-day conference at Connecticut College in New London.
Join the Connecticut Tree Protective Association, the Tree Wardens’ Association of Connecticut, and the Connecticut Urban Forest Council on March 19 and March 20 as we celebrate these partnerships and the ways that trees bring us together. Presentations will be relevant to urban foresters, arborists, tree wardens, community volunteers and activists, landscape architects, nursery professionals, students, city planners, and engineers. The event will feature tours of the extensive arboretum and winter tree identification, tree planting practices with hands-on demonstration, and tree risk assessment. Day 1 will feature talks on high performance urban canopy projects and preparing for oak wilt, then close with a social hour showcasing the DEEP PhotoVoice Project. Topics also covered over the two days include Trees and Tech, Urban Forests and Resilience, Community Engagement, and a field tour of urban forestry projects in New London. The concluding presentation on the Miyawaki Forest Method is sure to be thought provoking.
If you are a municipality and need a P.O./Invoice, please call Cathy at 203.484-2512 or email at
1 Day Member (CTPA or Tree Wardens Association of CT) – $90.00, 2 Days Member (CTPA or Tree Wardens Association of CT) – $150.00
1 Day Non-Member – $120.00, 2 Days Non-Member – $180.00
1 Day Student – $30.00. 2 Days Student – $60.00
Exhibitor – Both Days $350.00 (includes one 6′ table, linen, 2 chairs and 2 exhibitor lunch tickets). Additional lunch tickets – $50.00 each.
Continuing Education Credits:
- Day 1 (March 19, 2025) ISA – 6.50 CEU’s, Forest Practitioner – 2.0 CEU’s, Society of American Forester 5.0 CFE’s, (3A – 4.25 CEU’s, 3D – 7.25 CEU’s and Landscape Architect – Pending)
- Day 2 (March 20, 2025) ISA – 5.75 CEU’s, Forest Practitioner – 2.0 CEU’s, Society of American Forester 5.0 CFE’s, (3A – 5.0 CEU’s, 3D – 5.0 CEU’s and Landscape Architect – Pending)
Accommodations: Holiday Inn, New London. Request Reservation for Group Code CCT. A room for March 19, 2025, is $99.00 with the code.
You can call 1-888-465-4329 or book directly on the website (click on the link): Holiday Inn, New London
Directions to Connecticut College: Conn College is easily accessed via major highways and public transportation.
The train station is a short ride share or bus ride to Conn College.
Important information:
Some parts of this event will be held outdoors, regardless of weather conditions, so please dress appropriately. The walks to lunch and outdoor stations are each over 10 minutes long, so we recommend wearing comfortable shoes. For those who prefer not to walk long distances or need assistance, a shuttle bus will be available.