All Arborists licensed in the state of Connecticut are expected to abide by the following Code of Ethics.
The Arborist:
- will utilize personal knowledge and skills for the greatest good to society.
- will advance arboriculture by exchanging knowledge with other arborists and supporting arboricultureal associations, publications, schools of instruction and plant research.
- will be truthful in oral and written statements concerning the services he or she is qualified to offer and the benefits to the plants that may be expected therefrom and will not falsely advertise as certified or licensed, or as insured unless the extent of coverage is clearly stated.
- will discourage the promotion and use of techniques, methods and materials that have not been adequately tested and approved for arboricultural use by reputable plant scientists. Should an unproven technique, method or material appear to be the best choice, the client will be completely advised.
- will base all expert testimony on adequate knowledge of the subject and on substantial facts and will render an opinion according to honest convictions.
- will refrain from expressing an opinion on a technical subject, either orally or in writing, unless informed concerning the matter; and will not distort or withhold relevant data to substantiate a point of view.
- will be loyal to clients or to the employing organization and will faithfully perform work assignments.
- will, if a technical judgment in arboricultural matters is overuled by a non-technical authority, present in a clear manner to consequences that may be expected to occur as a result of deviating from the procedures and policies which are believed to be correct.
- will not, if employed as an arborist is a public capacity, compete unfairly with arborists in private business and will not favor one arborist, group of arborists or tree care service above others in the community where all are qualified and available.
- will avoide making unfounded statements that, in any way, might injure the professional reputation of another arborist.
- will not reduce the quoted fee for a specific job due to being informed that another arborist has quoted a lesser fee for the same job.
- will, if engaged in the private practice of arboriculture, refrain from reviewing the work of another private arborist or the latter’s employer, but will refer the review of the work to a qualified person not engaged in private arboriculture.
- will not offer employment to an employee of another arborist without the latter’s knowledge, but will endeavor to train employees wherever possible.
- will uphold the principle of appropriate and adequate compensation for those engaged in arboricultural work as essential to the maintenance of high standards within the field of arboricultural endeavor.
- will conduct all matters relating to technical arboricultural activities, business operations and civic responsibilities in manner that will further the status of aboriculture as a respected profession.
- will, if performing tree care services within the State of Connecticut for hire, recognize the responsibility to be licensed by the State of Connecticut.