Felicia Millet, Plant Diagnostician, CAES – Instructor for Arbor 101
Arboriculture 101 is a course given by the CTPA two times a year for those wishing to advance in the field of arboriculture and to prepare for the Connecticut Arborist License exam. It is given one night a week for thirteen weeks. Each class session is 3 hours in length.
One class session begins in early January; the other in early September.
This course is intended to provide the successful graduate with the basic information essential to a career in arboriculture. Students who attend class, read the assigned materials and work with the instructors can also expect to do well on Connecticut’s Arborist Licensing Exam. However, the course’s main goal is to provide that foundation that will assist individuals as they move forward in a career in arboriculture.
In order to get the most from the course, students must make a commitment to studying. They must spend the time and effort needed to learn the covered material. Readings are assigned in advance of each class. Students are expected to complete these reading assignments.
The session for the Winter 2025 Session is full. Registration for Fall 2025 will open in the March.
About the Instructors
The instructors are drawn from throughout Connecticut’s tree care industry. Also included are several scientists from the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
This variety in instruction is one of the key strengths of the course. It helps give the student a variety of perspectives that serves to reinforce the knowledge gained.
Course Outline
The actual course outline might vary depending upon schedule dates, holidays, weather, etc. but it generally follows the order below. The final outline is mailed out prior to the first class. If needed, make-up dates due to weather are arranged.
- Tree Biology
- Tree Identification
- Tree-Soil Relationships
- Diseases of Trees
- Introduction to Integrated Pest Management
- Insects that Feed on Trees
- Non-Parasitic Conditions of Trees
- Tree Law, Tree Regulations and Pesticide Safety
- Tree Conditions Lab
- Safety Requirements Relating to Tree Care
- Pruning, Cabling and Bracing
- Implementing an IPM Program
- Review Night
Course Information
Dates and Time:
The Agricultural Experiment Station
123 Huntington Street
Jones Auditorium
New Haven, Connecticut 06511
A letter will be mailed to all enrollees prior to
The upcoming course will run from September 5, 2024 through December 5, 2024. Each course has 13 class sessions. All classes will be held from 6 pm to 9 pm, and are tentatively scheduled for Thursday evenings. The classes may take place on Wednesdays. You will be notified once arrangements are finalized. If needed, make-up dates for weather cancellations will be arranged.
Location – Jones Auditorium, 123 Huntington Street, New Haven, CT
$475.00 Payment must be made or a Purchase Order received in advance of the first class. Please fill out the attached enrollment form and mail it, along with a check, to CTPA.
Class Size
The class is limited to 40 students, on a first paid, first served basis. Town employees may reserve a place by sending a P.O. Those not admitted into a class will be placed on a notification list for the next class, (the next class will be held beginning in September 2024).
Students are strongly encouraged to obtain the following publication:
- Pirone’s Tree Maintenance, Hartman, Pirone and Sall, 7th edition, Oxford Press 2000. (Available from most bookstores – may need to be special ordered. You can also buy it on Amazon.)
- A Field Guide to Eastern Trees, George Petrides. Peterson Field Guide Series. (Available from most bookstores and also on Amazon. Any similar field guide is acceptable as a substitute.)
Please Note – CTPA does not administer the Arborist Exam. That is done independently by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the Tree Protection Examining Board. However, CTPA works closely with both groups to ensure that the material delivered in this course is appropriate to the exam.