Monica, We looked at this page as a committee and we feel it’s a high priority but a little complicated and we want to talk about.
The following press releases, announcements and articles are made available by the Connecticut Tree Protective Association for use by their members, in order to promote proper and safe tree care that is properly licensed by the State of Connecticut and that is also fully insured.
Members of the press and others are free to make use of these articles, although we do ask that the CTPA be cited in the use of these materials when they are not being used by a CTPA member.
Members of the public are also welcomed and encouraged to read through these materials.
The following articles are typically available in a couple of formats – as pdf files and as Word documents. It is hoped that this choice of format will facilitate use of these articles.
Feedback on the content of these articles is also welcome. Please comment to the CTPA via email.
Dear Potential Tree Care Customer
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=8 linktext=’Word Version’ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=9 linktext=’pdf Version’ /]
Hire an Arborist and Avoid Liability
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=10 linktext=’Word Version’ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=11 linktext=’pdf version 1′ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=13 linktext=’pdf version 2′ /]
Please look for additional articles and press releases to be added on a regular basis!
Please also visit our page on Position Statements