This Thursday, August 27, at noon-time, Dr. Kelby Fite of Bartlett Tree Experts will present a webinar on soil diagnostics and management. Dr. Fite is a Vice President at Bartlett and is Director of the Bartlett Research Lab in North Carolina. His research has focused on the interrelationship between soils and roots and how various tree planting strategies influence the long-term health of trees.
This webinar will be the third in the series that CTPA has organized as the virtual replacement of its Summer Meeting. There will be one more following this Thursday’s presentation. On September 3rd, Dr. Robert Marra of the CT Agricultural Experiment Station will talk about beech leaf disease. This is a newly emerging disease in Connecticut that Dr. Marra has been tracking closely.
These webinars are being presented at no cost and are open to all who wish to attend. CEUs are available, but – please note – in order to receive CEUs one must first register with CTPA. Receipt of credits is dependent on successfully taking a quiz. A link to this quiz will be posted at the end of the webinar.
For details on the soil diagnostic webinar, please visit Once you register, you will automatically receive the Zoom link.
For details on the beech leaf disease webinar, please visit
These webinars are to be recorded and will be available for future viewing. CEUs can also be earned for viewing the recorded versions, if one has not earned CEUs from watching the webinar live.
The recorded videos along with the opportunity to earn CEUs are posted for the first two webinars. Please note – for these webinars – if you wish to earn CEUs, even though these are recorded webinars, you must also still register first with CTPA. You will be prompted to register when you click on the link to the recorded version.
The link for the recording of the first webinar, an update on CT’s insects and diseases, is
The link for the recording of the second webinar, a discussion of loading and forces in connection to anchor points in tree climbing, is
For further information, please contact Cathy at the CTPA office –