The Connecticut Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects presents:
Designing Trails & Greenways: Pathways for Success
A symposium on the planning, design, construction, and management of linear transportation corridors
When: Thursday, November 10, 2016
Time: 8:15 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Where: The Lyceum Conference Center, Hartford, CT (227 Lawrence Street)
Presentations will cover:
Greenways Building Communities
Bikenomics: How Well-Planned Trails Stimulate Economic Revitalization
Incorporating Environmental and Cultural Resources into Trail Systems
Shared Use Paths: Designing From Concept to Construction
The Non-Profit Experience: Citizens Creating Connections
Riverfront Recapture: Lessons from the Floodplain
PLUS: Exhibitors and raffle prizes!
Continuing Education Credits:
See the brochure for more info, then use the mail-back form or register online.
(Deadline: November 8)
Cost (includes continental breakfast and lunch):
$100 Member of ASLA, AIA, APA, CSCE, ACEC, CNLA or other professional association, non-profit organization, or government agency
$150 Non-members
$35 Full-time Students (with ID)
Register today
Questions? Contact Jeff Mills at or
(860) 454-8922.
Thanks to our Breakfast Sponsor!
Additional exhibitors (to date):
Fourth Generation Nursery Sales Co.
O&G Industries, Inc.